Picture books about bedtime can often help children (and parents) to survive the ritual of bedtime! Bedtime can be one of the most fraught, difficult times of the day. Children are tired, parentsย are tiredย and there isย often resistance to the whole bedtime routine.ย There are so many lovely bedtime stories that introduce characters going throughย various stages of getting ready for bed,ย our favourites include procrastinating bunnies, baths full of animals, ugly pyjamas and a bearย who can’t get to sleep.
Do your children have their own bedtime procrastination techniques like these characters?
I โก Bedtime by Clara Vulliamy
Martha is determined to get her bothers, Pip and Monty, into bed so she can spend time with her babysitter, Grace-next-door, but their delaying tactics including pretending to be super bunnies and practising gym.

Time for Bed, Fred! by Yasmeen Ismail
Puppy Fred employs all sorts of tactics to avoid getting into his basket, his behaviour is just like a small child!

I am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed by Lauren Child
Lola’s delaying tactics include lions, tigers and whales. In the end Lola gets to bed but brother Charlie isn’t so lucky, his bed is already occupied!

Do you have a going to bed ritual?
Big, Red Bath by Julia Jarman and Adrian Reynolds
Ben and Bella’s bathtime turns into an extraordinary adventure when they are joined by a succession of animals!

Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton
It’s time for the animals to put on their pyjamas in time for one last dance before bed – old, new, ugly, blue, any pyjamas will do!

Say Goodnight to the Sleepy Animals by Ian Whybrow and Ed Eaves
Cat goes for a walk to say goodnight to all the sleepy animals who are getting ready for bed then returns home to her own sleepy kittens.

Bedtime Little Ones by Claire Freedman and Gail Yerrill
The bedtime routine is shown through the activities of various little animals. My daughter loves looking for the one little rogue animal that is not getting ready as s/he should!

But what do these characters do when they can’t get to sleep?
Maisy goes Camping by Lucy Cousins
It’s a bit squashed when Eddie tries to get into the tent with Maisy and her friends but luckily they find a solution so that they can all go to sleep.

Dog Loves Counting by Louise Yates
Dog doesn’t just count sheep when he can’t sleep. His counting leads him to meet up with a menagerie of extraordinary animals!

Peace at Last! by Jill Murphy
Mr Bear is thwarted when he tries to find a quiet place to sleep, who would have guessed that there is so much noise at night!

Do you have a favourite picture book about getting ready for bed? We’d love to hear about it in the comments.
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