Elmer’s Photo Patchwork App is linked to one of our favourite book characters. It’s an easy to use, fun app which encourages the user to observe and take pictures of their surroundings and stimulates discussions about colours, patterns and textures in the world around them. We have three Elmer Photo Patchwork App codes to give away in time for you to have fun with Elmer during the Easter holidays.
We’ve used Elmer’s Photo Patchwork App on both the iPhone and the iPad although my daughter finds the iPhone version easier to use because of the bigger screen. Despite her limited experience with the iPad she understood how the app worked very quickly.

To create Elmer choose a background and a grey elephant from the parade. There is a choice of elephants, each has four patterns to choose from including Elmer’s traditional patchwork pattern, stars, swirls, jigsaw shapes and circles. After choosing the pattern click on one of the shapes, take a picture then repeat the process. If you’re not happy with your elephant you can give him a ‘shower’ and start again. To familiarise ourselves with the app we talked about how to take pictures first then practised around the house. Here’s our first Elmer!
Outside we took pictures of spring flowers. This gave us the opportunity to talk about the names of the flowers and their different colours and shapes.

My daughter likes Elmer’s friend Rose so she chose the heart pattern and took pictures of everything pink she could find! We found it interesting how the patterns on some of the items looked different depending on how close or how far away we held the camera. She took lots of pictures of pink clothes for this one!
We have the Elmer on Stilts story so we know how important camouflage can be. A walk in the woods gave us the opportunity to look at and talk about different shades of the same colour. Here’s our camouflaged Elmer!

Elmer’s Photo Patchwork App is a fun app for all the family. It has introduced my daughter to taking pictures, focussing and choosing the right angle for her shots and by choosing a theme you can develop a child’s learning. For example, when we created Rose we talked about different kinds of fabrics and their textures. The spring flower Elmer really encouraged us to look for as many different varieties and colours of flowers as we could find. We have lots of ideas for themes for our Elmer pictures, for example, pictures of our favourite book characters, our favourite fruit and vegetables, different kinds of wheels. All the time we’ll be moving, talking, learning and looking at the world around us.
Elmer’s Photo Patchwork App is available for iPhone and iPad and can be downloaded from iTunes. There are also German, Spanish, French, Italian and Japanese versions.

Thank you to Andersen Press for sending us an app code. We weren’t asked to write a review but we’ve had so much fun with the app that we wanted to tell you all about it and we’re thrilled to be able to give you the chance to win a code too!
Age Range: 3+
App Developer – Touchpress
More Elmer arts, crafts and learning activities on Pinterest
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