There is great excitement in our house as Snowy and Christmas are back with their book Advent Calendar, for the next twenty four days they will be bringing us a picture book to read. They don’t only bring new books and Christmas books but they also choose their favourites from our bookcase as well as borrowing books from the library. Last year they wrote letters, had a car race, partied with the fairies and one morning we even found Snowy doing some knitting! We’re looking forward to seeing which books they will choose this year and what they will be doing with the book!
So let’s see what they get up to between December 1st to 8th!
December 1st

Christmas and Snowy arrived with a sheep and Rica’s schönstes Weihnachtsfest. Each day we will read a new page of this Advent story and stick the sticker to our window.
December 2nd
We found Christmas and Snowy making music. They’ve brought one of our favourite Christmas books, My Very First Christmas Carols. We listen to this CD at least once every day in the run up to Christmas, it’s a lovely retelling of the Christmas story.

December 3rd

We found Snowy and Christmas looking for their names. They were joined by some of the characters from Ach, du Schreck, mein Name ist weg! who were helping them find the letters that they needed. You still have time to enter the giveaway to win your own personalised copy of a Lost My Name book in the language of your choice (English, American English, German, French or Spanish).
December 4th
Snowy and Christmas brought The Jolly Christmas Postman. Snowy was having fun playing Goldilocks’ game while Christmas was writing his Christmas cards.

December 5th

Bathtime fun with Bibble and the Bubbles. Christmas and Snowy were having a bubble blowing competition!
December 6th
‘Lustig lustig tralalalala
Heut’ ist Nikolausabend da’
Snowy and Christmas went to the library and borrowed Ein Geschenk for den Nikolaus.
They brought a gold star as that is the present that Nikolaus receives in the story. Nikolaus also filled their shoes with sweeties and brought a marzipan angel for them to eat.

December 7th

Christmas and Snowy were playing snowballs with Der Kleine Eisbär und der Angsthase. The rabbit was quite scared so he was hiding behind Snowy.
December 8th
Peace at Last for Christmas, Snowy and Mr and Mrs Bear. We’re being very quiet today so we don’t wake them up!

Snowy and Christmas’ Advent Calendar December 1st to 8th
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