For Mothers Day we’ve chosen stories about some of our favourite mothers and grandmothers either to read and enjoy or to give as presents. We’d love to hear who your favourite picture book mothers and grandmothers are. Who would you add to our list?
My Mummy and Me is a beautiful board book to share with babies and toddlers. The little mouse loves his / her mummy and describes all the things that s/he likes doing with her and how much s/he loves her.

I empathise much more with Mrs Large now that I am a parent! In All in One Piece she is getting ready for a rare night out with her husband. Granny is babysitting but her four children constantly interrupt her preparations. We hope that she had a great night out without them!

Mummy comes to Silver and Sparkle’s rescue when it snows in Little Deer Lost. She helps them to find their way home and is perfect to cuddle up to when night falls.

We always read Hello! Is that Grandma? when we visit grandparents, it’s part of the tradition of going to visit. As well as Grandma we are introduced to Mum (who is reprimanded for not behaving properly at the table!).

We especially like the last surprise in Wee Granny’s Magic Bag. Wee Granny is ready for anything, her bag is full of surprises, some big and some small and she can always be relied upon to help when needed.

We are big fans of the Katie Morag stories and were very happy when author Lorraine chose Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers as one of her favourite picture books. Granny Island and Granny Mainland are chalk and cheese but one helps the other out when she has a problem in this lovely story.

We love Primrose‘s Grandmama who is called to the palace to stop Primrose misbehaving. She is such a fantastic grandmother, she solves the problem of Primrose’s unprincesslike behaviour in a highly amusing way that suits everybody.

I love Spindle’s grandmother in The Best Jumper. She reminds me of my own grandmother who was always knitting! Spindle’s grandmother comes up with a lovely solution when Spindle grows out of his favourite jumper but can’t bear to part with it!

A day trip to the seaside becomes much more exciting when Gran starts to misbehave in The Trouble with Gran. We have the ebook version as well as the picture book. It’s great to watch author / illustrator Babette Cole reading her own story.

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