Farmer Duck - Story Snug

Caryl Hart recommends Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell & Helen Oxenbury

The Story: There once was a duck who had the bad luck to live with a lazy old farmer. The duck did the work. The farmer stayed all day in bed. Poor Duck. He is so tired, and fed up that the other animals make a plan to get rid of the lazy old farmer once and for all and take over the farm themselves.

This is my favourite book of all time.

It’s like a child’s version of Orwell’s Animal Farm, but without the horrors and with a very satisfying happy ending. It has a despicable baddie – the farmer – who is instantly and delightfully unlikeable, and a poor downtrodden hero – the duck – who has the love and support of his friends. Farmer Duck is a classic tale of love’s triumph over abuse and fear. It is a tale of friendship, and determination to make the world a better place.

Waddell’s text is so very, very clever. Though not in verse, it has a beautiful rhythm that really pulls you along through the story and make it perfect for reading out loud. Each word has been deliberately and carefully chosen to create what I feel is a real work of art.

It was this book, above all others, that inspired me to write for children. In fact, my book Rhino? What Rhino? gives a nod to Martin Waddell in the scene where the animals meet at the back of the shed to discuss the Rhino’s behaviour.

Farmer Duck is illustrated by the wonderfully talented Helen Oxenbury – one of my favourite illustrators. They depict scenes of the English idyll while also showing the hardship and struggles that farmers endure day after day. As the story takes the reader from misery and despair towards hope and happiness, so the pouring rain, dark skies, mud and crumbling brickwork give way to sunshine, warmth and happiness.

The more I read this book, the more I love it.

I give it 11/10 with a cherry on top!

Age Range: 4 +

Author: Martin Waddell / Illustrator: Helen Oxenbury

About Caryl Hart

Caryl Hart is an award-winning children’s author based in Derbyshire, UK. She writes picture books and young fiction, and loves walking her dog, sitting in cafes and snuggling. Caryl runs creative literacy workshops for schools and libraries and is described by Children’s Bookseller Magazine as “a rising picture book star”.

Caryl’s most recent book, Catch That Rat is a true story. Sort of.

Caryl on Twitter @carylhart1 / Caryl’s website / Caryl’s blog (currently has a competition to win lots of Albie goodies.)

A selection of Caryl’s books are shown below. Supermarket Zoo was one of the first books that we recommended on Story Snug and we also love The Princess and the Peas.

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15 responses to “Caryl Hart recommends Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell & Helen Oxenbury”

  1. Christy Garrett @ Uplifting Families avatar

    These look like great reads. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Catherine avatar

      You’re welcome. Thank you for visiting Story Snug 🙂

  2. Renee @ Mother Daughter Book Reviews avatar

    That is a glowing recommendation. I really like the theme of the book and I love the depiction of farming – it truly is a difficult occupation and it is often undervalued. Great recommendation for the Kid Lit Blog Hop. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    1. Catherine avatar

      I love this book and it is great to read about it from another person’s perspective. Farm life is often perceived as idyllic but the reality is very different 🙂

  3. S.W. avatar

    This sounds like such a cute story.
    Kid Lit Blog hopper here 🙂

    1. Catherine avatar

      It’s a great story – thanks for hopping over 🙂

  4. Kriss MacDonald avatar

    Wow – I really want to get this and read it to my kids. Thank you for the recommendation.

    1. Catherine avatar

      You’re welcome, it’s an oldie but a goodie 🙂

  5. Reshama avatar

    Looks like a great read! Must find it at the library. Thank you for the excellent review.

    1. Catherine avatar

      You’re welcome, it is interesting reading someone else’s review of one of our favourite books.

  6. Helen avatar

    Love this one too – although with half an eye on Animal Farm, I always wonder if the duck is in danger of being a little bossy at the end and turning into the farmer! Enjoyed your review Caryl.

    1. Catherine avatar

      It’s a great review isn’t it, made me look at the book in a whole new light!

  7. Catherine avatar

    Caryl, thank you for writing such a great book recommendation for Story Snug. Farmer Duck is a great story and I have often read it in the classroom.

    1. Caryl Hart avatar

      And thank YOU for asking!

      1. Catherine avatar

        You’re welcome and what a great giveaway – thank you! As you know we are big fans of Albie 🙂