A friend asked if I could recommend some first books for her eight month old daughter and both my daughter and I loved the two Baby Touch books that we had. The books are fairly big with two rounded corners and have bold, bright, colourful pictures. A variety of textured materials are used which make the books really interactive, tactile and great for sharing. They offer so many opportunities for introducing and developing vocabulary and playing games.
The Baby Touch Rhyme Book contains five well known children’s rhymes. On the left of each double page spread is a large picture and on the right is the rhyme interspersed with small pictures. The smaller pictures can be found in the larger pictures which makes for an engaging I spy game with a toddler. There are also cutouts through which a variety of materials can be touched, e,g fur, corrugated card, a wonderfully glittery bus (Wheels On The Bus) and shiny gold stars (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star). This is a lovely first rhyme book. My daughter loved to ‘match’ the pictures and count the people on the bus and in the boat (Row, Row, Row Your Boat)..

The Baby Touch Playbook introduces babies to shapes, colours, animals. With flaps to lift and different shaped windows to peek through this book is very interactive. It includes a wide range of adjectives, questions (what’s in here?), invitations (feel the…..) and also encourages babies to say hello and goodbye to the animals.

Both books are made from sturdy cardboard and can withstand a bit of chewing and rough handling.
If you are looking for first books for a baby I would definitely recommend that you add a couple of Baby Touch books to your library. A full selection can be seen on the Ladybird website.
Age Range: 0 +
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