Little Cloud is such a gentle story. It’s one of the first picture books that our daughter can ‘read’ on her own.
The Story: Little Cloud drifts away from the other clouds and experiments with making different shapes in the sky. At the end he rejoins the other clouds and rains.
Most children spend time finding and watching shapes in the clouds which is why the theme of Eric Carle’s Little Cloud is such an easily identifiable one for young readers. I love the simplicity of the text and illustrations which make this story suitable for very young children. This book can then grow with a child, when they are older it can be used to promote discussion about weather and the simple text is good for beginner readers. I find that the repetition in Eric Carle’s books also make them ideal to use with non native English speakers (who often know the stories from their own language).
We’ve done lots of cloud inspired art and craft using cotton wool balls. For the craft below we cut out six plain white circles, stuck them together to make a cloud shape, glued on some cotton wool balls and added different coloured strips of paper to make a rainbow.

Age Range. 2 +
Author / Illustrator – Eric Carle
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