Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs is a story that young dinosaur fans will identify with.
The Story: Harry finds some old dinosaurs in the attic and after cleaning them and finding out their names he takes them everywhere with him in a bucket. One day he leaves the bucketful of dinosaurs on the train and at the lost property office he has to prove that the dinosaurs are his. Luckily for him they all respond when he calls their names!
We love Harry, his nan and his big sister Sam (who is delightfully provocative and winds Harry up to the point where he gets irritated, does something he shouldn’t and then gets sent to his room ‘to settle down’!). Ian Whybrow has created a totally believable character in Harry, he is delightfully self centred and focussed in the way that small children often are. Adrian Reynolds has drawn very cute dinosaurs with great facial expressions and children can learn all their names as they read the story (some of them are quite difficult to pronounce!). My daughter spends a long time looking at each picture to see what the dinosaurs are doing, her favourite is the Tyrannosaurus because he is ‘so nosy’!
Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs was the first Harry story, several more have been written since then and they have also been made into cartoons.
Author: Ian Whybrow / Illustrator: Adrian Reynolds
We also like Harry and the Snow King, the story of Harry’s determination to build a snowman out of very little snow.

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