Where's the Bus? - Story Snug

Where’s the Bus? by Eileen Browne & James Croft

Where’s The Bus? is a gentle, amusing story about two friends waiting for a bus. As readers we notice far more than the two characters, Rabbit and Mouse, who are mystified by the lack of buses arriving!

The Story: Duck has invited Rabbit and Mouse to tea. They find lots of things to do while they are waiting for the bus which seems to take forever to arrive – or does it? Luckily they are reunited with Duck for their picnic but they are both still mystified by the lack of buses!

Swimming, strawberries and flying geese all contribute to Rabbit and Mouse’s failure to spot the bright colourful buses driving by. My daughter takes great delight in spotting them and thinks it’s hilarious that they don’t notice them. She loves shouting out the colour of the bus and is also fascinated by the picnic menu which uses alliteration and rhyme. I love the gentle humour and James Croft’s illustrations. Mouse and Rabbit are really characters that small children will be able to identify with. The text is fairly repetitive which is also good for a beginner reader.

Age Range: 2 +

Author – Eileen Browne / Illustrator – James Croft

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2 responses to “Where’s the Bus? by Eileen Browne & James Croft”

  1. Ulrike avatar

    Thank you for your recommendation. My two year old absolutely adores this book. We just picked it up and I had to read it to her a recordbreaking eight (8!) times consecutively! It promises to become a favorite around our house!

    1. Catherine avatar

      Wow – eight times! Great that she liked it, she’ll be reading it to you soon 😉